Ressources for Deep Learning
What’s this for?
This page is meant to gather the various resources I find on the topic of Deep Learning.
Learning about Deep Learning
I gave a talk recently at CERFACS which can give you some ideas. The slides are also avaiable.
Neural Nets
Introductory material:
- THE BOOK. Just read this, it’s great.
- Another good (partial) web book.
- An intuitive explanation of convnets.
- The GIMP user manual shows what image convolution does.
- A 3D visualization of the MNIST net activation.
- Really cool blog with visualrepresnetations of neural nets.
- Good slides by Yann LeCun.
- Various grouped resources from an Armenian lab.
- A Google engineer did a very big blog on this subject.
Generative Adversarial Networks:
- An introduction to GANs
- Super resolution using GAN
- The hot stuff: CycleGAN
- Super-Resolution Benchmark
Style transfer: